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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

GCC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual preference, veteran status, domestic violence status or disability in its educational programs, activities, admissions, and employment.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability and mandates that equal access and reasonable accommodations be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities.

Under the ADA any person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of his/her major life functions is defined as disabled. Students with disabilities may not be segregated and are fully included in the institution’s existing programs and activities.

GCC provides assistance to students with disabilities, assists faculty and staff members who interact with the students and work closely with community agencies. It is the student’s responsibility to identify his/her need for services and provide the appropriate documents.

The information the student provides will be confidential. With the student’s permission, only specific recommendations will be released to faculty. Please note that the college does not provide personal aids or attendants.

Web Accessibility Statement

Genesee Community College (GCC) recognizes the importance of ensuring our website is accessible to everyone. In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we will make reasonable accommodations to the known physical limitations of individuals with disabilities.

GCC has incorporated design best practices into our website ( so that the pages are accessible to people with physical and visual impairments, including those who need screen readers, those who are color blind and those who cannot use a mouse. We are committed to making our content accessible to individuals with disabilities and are continually working to increase accessibility and usability.

Note About Portable Document Format (PDF)

Many documents on the GCC website ( are in portable document format (PDF). For the best experience viewing these files, please download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free at the Adobe Website.

Many of our videos are closed-captioned and can be expanded to full screen viewing.

If you discover aspects of the site that may cause an accessibility problem or have any questions about ADA compliance, please contact our ADA coordinator at 585-343-0055 x6219 or email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a student with a disability or are unsure if you have a disability and are curious about academic accommodation in the higher education environment, then this page may be helpful to you.

What is a disability?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities related to education include but are not limited to walking, sleeping, eating, learning, reading, writing, processing, hearing, etc.

What laws protect the rights of students with disabilities?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires recipients of federal funding to afford individuals with disabilities equal access to all services. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) spelled out in greater detail the obligations not only of recipients of federal funds but also private businesses and public spaces.

In 2008, after a series of court decisions eroded congress’s intent with the ADA, Congress passed the amendments act. The ADA Amendments Act reaffirms congress’s intention that the ADA applies to individuals with all types of disabilities including those suffering from long-term illnesses such as cancer or impairments to bodily systems and made clear that mitigating measures should not be taken into effect when determining whether an individual has a disability. The intent and effect of the amendments act was to significantly expand the number of people covered by the ADA.

What is an accommodation?

An accommodation is an adjustment made to a policy and/or academic environment to ensure students with temporary or permanent disabilities have equal access to course material, information, activities, programs, housing, and other campus facilities.

How do I ask a student about their disability?

Asking a student for more details regarding their disability is not permitted as the confidentiality of the student’s information must be maintained. It is an individual’s choice whether to disclose the nature of their disability to their faculty or to staff at the college.

What is a service animal?

A service animal is an animal that is trained to work or perform active tasks for an individual with a disability. If it is unclear whether an animal (a dog and rarely a miniature horse) is a service animal, anyone can ask following questions: (1) is the service animal required because of a disability and (2) what work or task the animal has been trained to perform? If you are unsure whether these questions have been answered satisfactorily, allow the person and animal to proceed, and contact Access & Accommodation Services on campus. An emotional support animal is not a service animal.

Access & Accommodation Services at Genesee Community College encourages students with services animals to register their animals with our office. This can be helpful if the student and service animal are separated for any reason and we need to facilitate reunification. Please view our Service Animal Registration Form.

Do students in Special Education classes (IDEA) or those who have had a 504 plan in high school automatically receive the same accommodations and services they did in high school?

The laws governing mandated accommodations for students with disabilities are different at the post-secondary level (colleges and universities) than K-12. Therefore, a student may not receive accommodations that they received in high school. In some cases, the accommodations that students receive in high school may be the same, but other accommodations may not be reasonable and appropriate at the college level. This is why each student’s documentation is reviewed and accommodations are discussed through the interactive process.

For information related to the differences between k-12 services and services in higher education, please see our document Transitioning to College Accommodations.

Is there someone who will be closely monitoring the student’s progress?

Unlike high school, the university setting requires students to act as independent adults. If a student presents to Access & Accommodation Services when they face challenges on campus, every effort will be made to assist the student in getting back on track within the parameters of our services. Daily monitoring, however, is not available.

What role can parents have in requesting accommodations in college?

A student who is 18 years old or older is legally recognized as an adult. As an adult, the student must self-identify to Access & Accommodation Services and request accommodations. Accommodation requests will only be accepted from the student, not from his or her parents. Many times, parents ask to be included in the first appointment with Access & Accommodation Services. With the student’s approval, this can be very helpful. Students must sign a release if they wish to have information shared with parents after the first meeting.

How do I set up accommodations for my classes?

Students must self-identify to Access & Accommodation Services and request accommodations (this is separate from the general admissions process). The first step includes completing our intake form and requesting a meeting with one of our staff. Students who are taking classes on the Genesee Community College campus will be asked to meet with an Access & Accommodation Office Professional for an intake meeting to discuss the accommodation process. Students who are taking classes online only will need to communicate by phone or electronically with an Access & Accommodation Services Professional.

Students who require or would like our intake form in a different format can contact our office by emailing us ( or by calling us at 585.343.0055 x6219. We will be happy to provide our form in an alternative format.

If I am receiving accommodations at another college or university will I automatically get the same accommodations at Genesee Community College?

Each college/university may have different documentation guidelines and rules about what constitutes a reasonable accommodation. Upon transfer to Genesee Community College, information from a previous school is helpful but it is still necessary for Access & Accommodation Office Professionals to review your documentation and determine what is reasonable at our institution.

Will there be any record on my transcript if I use accommodations through the Access & Accommodation Office?

No, there are no flags or identifying markers on students’ academic record if they utilize access services during their higher education experience. Further, documentation and disability services records are maintained separately from other academic records.

What kind of documentation do I need to provide to the Access & Accommodation Office?

Documentation guidelines vary based on the type of disability. We will determine through the interactive process what, if any, documentation is needed. Please note that you should not delay meeting with us out of concern for not having the right paperwork. Each consultant will discuss specific third-party documentation needs during the initial interactive process meeting and steps you can take after the meeting. Our first priority is meeting with you, not reviewing your documentation.

Does Genesee Community College have special tutoring for students with disabilities?

The office of Access & Accommodations does not list tutoring as an accommodation. We refer students to the Genesee Community College Learning Center when tutoring needs arise. Students may also access tutoring through the Learning Center at their convenience, without a referral. Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. For more information on all of the great programming offered through our Learning Center, please visit the Learning Center’s page or email the Learning Center at

If I believe I am eligible for Access & Accommodation Services, what should I do next?

Please complete our electronic Intake for Access & Accommodation Services and contact our office to request an initial appointment (email: or phone: 585.343.0055 x6219)

Please do not hesitate to visit our offices for more information:

The Office of Access & Accommodations
Genesee Community College
Room C219

Phone: 585-343-0055 x6219